• If there is a threat of severe weather, make sure to check Pac’s website and social media channels for updates.  

  • In the event of an unavoidable conflict, please contact the age group director and he/she will advise on how best to proceed.

  • Yes, we strongly recommend that players attend each of the sessions in their age group.

  • Yes. All players must try out each year.

  • No. The club, however, requires a non-refundable registration fee to be paid at the time of registration.  During the online registration process, you will see available payment plan options. 

  • Southlake Soccer is a branch of Greater Renton Tukwila Youth Soccer Association (GRTYSA) which provides three levels of soccer: Recreational for ages U10-U19, and Select for ages U10-U19: Tryouts - Southlake Soccer

  • Tryout registration questions: Robin Hautamaki

    Age Group Directors: