If there is a threat of severe weather, make sure to check Pac’s website and social media channels for updates.
In the event of an unavoidable conflict, please contact the age group director and he/she will advise on how best to proceed.
Yes, we strongly recommend that players attend each of the sessions in their age group.
Yes. All players must try out each year.
No. The club, however, requires a non-refundable registration fee to be paid at the time of registration. During the online registration process, you will see available payment plan options.
Southlake Soccer is a branch of Greater Renton Tukwila Youth Soccer Association (GRTYSA) which provides three levels of soccer: Recreational for ages U10-U19, and Select for ages U10-U19: Tryouts - Southlake Soccer
Tryout registration questions: Robin Hautamaki
Age Group Directors:
Pedro Millan (U13-U19 Boys ECNL Dir)
Paul Aur (U13-U19 Boys RCL Dir)
Ryan Dortch (U12-U19 Girls ECNL/RCL Dir)
Axel Flaten (Jr Acad & U10-U11 Youth Dir)